Sunday 22 February 2015

Evaluating Market Competition-Study One-Topic Two

Choose a business, either one that you currently work in or any other, and collect the following information to evaluate its competition:

Chosen Business: FarmGuide Pty Ltd- Agricultural Directory,Print Media & Online Search

Is a national publication and online search engine that gives you direct access to members of Australia's largest farming organisations.Delivered by Aus Post it insures your message gets directly to farmers and businesses related to farming across Australia. You have the flexibility to deliver your message nationally or state by state allowing you to select the distribution relevant to your business. A % of the revenue goes back to the farming organisations ensuring that they are able to continue to fight and support the issues that are important to rural Australia. Distribution is direct to consumers and exclusive data bases for businesses to connect with.

Comp 1- Yellow Pages: General directories by regions per state(print media) and online search engine(website) Mobile App, Caller direct (when you ring an operator and give them a business name etc)Marketing strategies also include advertising on the radio and TV & google positioning & sales reps.
Distribution channels are direct to the consumer, they can pick up a copy at local post office or have them delivered to home or business address. Search engine is direct to consumers.
Pricing to advertise is huge depending on what 'regions within a state' you want to target for your business-12 months in print, and then on line. So the packages add up $. Yellow pages is a huge company and has been around for 40 odd years.

Comp 2-Local Search: General directories but in certain states. Over 2 million directories delivered FREE of charge throughout 34 regional areas of Queensland, New South Wales & Northern Territory. Local Search is a market leader in connecting buyers with sellers. Print media,online search & mobile App. Marketing strategies are the same as yellow pages. Radio, TV & Google positioning sales reps. Distribution channels-Directories are delivered free to all businesses and residences within directory coverage areas.Directories are available in various IGA stores, or can be mailed on request & publications are distributed at various times throughout the year. Search engine and mobile app direct to consumers.
Pricing is slightly less $ than yellow pages for 12 month in print and online. (smaller company)

Comp 3-Fat Cow: Australia's local farming and agricultural directory.
Fatcow is an online business directory offering free and paid listings to Australian farming, agricultural, and horticultural sectors. Online search engine & Mobile App.
For site users, it provides a comprehensive central online source containing the latest product, supplier and industry news updates.(It runs editorial features) Distribution channels are direct to the consumer. Pricing is less again $ than the above two companies smaller company again and was launched in July 2006.

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