Sunday 22 February 2015

Naturasmooth-Study One-Topic Two

SIMULATION TITLE: Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning

SIMULATION DESCRIPTION: Natorganica is a multinational consumer goods company. It has recently acquired Naturasmooth, a beauty cream for women, which offers several health benefits at a significant cost of $300 per jar. As Marketing Manager, your task is to target Naturasmooth to appropriate market segments, and define suitable positioning statements for it.

You earned 91 percent.


You chose gender, age and skin care habits as your segmentation variables. This was a good choice because all of these variables are relevant when marketing an anti-ageing beauty cream.

As your next step, you chose to select the market segment or segments to target. This was the correct choice, since you need to identify your target market before you can position your product or create a marketing campaign.

You chose to target two market segments at once, designing separate offers for each. This was a good choice, since reaching out to more demographics can result in greater sales.

You correctly identified the market for Naturasmooth beauty cream as female.

You chose an age range of 20-34 for the primary target market. This was a fair choice since Naturasmooth contains UV protection, although this demographic may not be the one to benefit most from the product.

You decided that the primary target market would be consumers who use beauty cream every day. This was the best choice, since daily users are more likely to buy the product.

You chose daily beauty-cream users in the 35-and-up age range as an additional market. This was the best choice, since this demographic would benefit the most from the product's anti-ageing and wrinkle-reducing qualities and would be the most loyal to the product.

You chose to promote two key differences to distinguish Naturasmooth from its competitors. This was a good choice. Many marketers recommend positioning a product on more than one differentiator, due to the amount of fragmentation in the marketplace.

You chose to promote Naturasmooth as fighting acne and being anti-ageing. This was a poor fit for the target market you selected.

To position Naturasmooth relative to the competition, you chose the slogan "Go ahead and splurge. Your skin will thank you." This positioned the product as offering more for more, which was correct according to the positioning map.

You justified your chosen slogan on the grounds that Naturasmooth was more expensive but gave higher value for money. This choice was correct according to the position map, although it did not match your slogan.

This was a fun exercise, and neat how you get the feed back too :) 91% i'll take that for a Rookie!!

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