Thursday 26 March 2015

Adaptable marketing teams-Study One-Topic 6

Adaptable Marketing Teams
The video highlights the need for marketing professionals to be adaptable to all the different types of marketing tools and channels available. How would this affect you personally as part of a marketing team?
"In conclusion...marketers have got to shift from specialised, inflexible marketers & agencies to teams with quick thinking & fast acting players". In other words as a marketer you need to be able to adapt your marketing plan and be a jack of all trades within marketing channels. How this would affect me personally as part of a marketing team? It would mean making it a priority to review the marketing plan on a regular bases. Keeping up to date with all marketing trends and applications. Adapting the plan where need be and researching as well as monitoring the response from marketing campaigns. I would also look into upskilling in all marketing channels that I was not confident in for example social media applications or web sites etc.  (How ever lucky for my generation I was born into the Internet and all things web related)

1 comment:

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