Friday 20 March 2015

Marketing ROI-Study One-Topic 5

Marketing ROI

  • How is ROI calculated?
  • What are the two costs involved in ROI?
  • What are two marketing goals that aren't about making a profit?
  • What are the benefits of understanding your ROI?      
ROI is the money gained or lost on an investment, it is what you expect to get back on what you are spending. The benefits of understanding your ROI is so that you can make smart marketing choices that result in a positive out come. It will help you to make the decisions on what to spend your budgets on and you can be accountable for your marketing plans. 
Documenting and reporting a promotional activity or campaign allows you to assess the revenue generated compared to the associated costs and analyse the information to ensure the organisation is in a profitable situation.

The profit from investment-The investment costs/Investment costs.
The two market goals that are not about making a profit are 'Brand Awareness' & 'Purchase Intent'

1 comment:

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