Wednesday 4 March 2015

Identifying weaknesses before your competitors-Study on Topic 2

Identifying weaknesses before your competitors
What does she mean when she says, 'Kill the company'?
What is her definition of an 'Out of company experience'?
Having an out of company experience is to really examine your companies weaknesses so that you can make them your strengths. She disagrees with the SWOT analysis and uses a scenario of "You are your No1 competitor and have 30 minutes to put your company out of business, how would you do this?" This makes people really open up and really think about where they are weak and what can you do about. What resources you have, Who can you partner with and how can you turn this knowledge back on your competitors. Keep ahead with innovation.
What common obstacles to innovation does she cite from her research?
Leaders have become adverse to  risk even tho may probably do not realise it, because they are afraid that they have so much on the line. They have a lack of definition about how much risk they can take. Leaders need to be open to taking risks more if only they knew how to define the term better.
What does Lisa mean when she talks about 'Provocative enquiry?'
Is a lost art of asking questions. people are so focused on getting the answer and being 'right' that they have forgotten how to 'ask' the right questions. Reasons for this can be because we don't want to make people feel uncomfortable & perhaps we have just forgotten how to ask the questions.
What is the difference between 'Strategic imagination' and creativity?
"Any body can come up with ideas, but you have to be a dreamer with a purpose"Because the reality is you only have so much money and time.

1 comment:

  1. I even have been gifted for hours and I haven't suffered such awesome stuff.
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