Monday 16 March 2015

Consumer and organisational behaviour

Consumer and organisational behaviour
Choose at least two out of the four questions to test how well you have absorbed the chapter's important information about customer behaviour.

What is consumer behaviour? Why is it important for marketers to understand consumer behaviour? 
There are many internal & external influences on consumer behaviour. Internal influences include physiological & personal. These in turn affect the consumers decision making process. External influences include social, economical & cultural, and also play an important role in the consumer decision making process. taking into account all the above information & depending on the product that a marketing manager is wanting to develop a marketing mix for. The marketer will need to do their research into what their target market will be and how they plan to deliver their message about their product. Taking into account how much effort is required from a consumer to make the decision to purchase the product.(They need to deliver their message as clearly and as simple as possible) This is why it is important for marketers to understand their product from a consumers point of view. 

What is behavioural learning? What is cognitive learning?How is an understanding of behavioural & cognitive learning useful to marketers?
 Behavioural learning is the result of a connection that takes place between events that we perceive. There are two types Classical Conditioning where the consumer receives two messages at the same time such as looking at an advertisement of a beautiful scene which creates a positive feeling & will in turn create a positive feeling towards a product.
Operant Conditioning which occurs when people learn that their actions result in rewards or punishments. such as receiving a reward or toy in a happy meal at McDonald's.
Understanding these two behavioural theories is important to marketers because of the follow on affect in consumers buying more product in the future. Also this information is important to marketers to develop the right marketing mix the first time round. 

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